Wednesday 13 February 2013

Day 5

Getting Started on the Project!

Day 5 began with us conversing with our supervisors at New Heaven about the viability of each proposal. The group decided that they liked the idea of the 'ash-tray', and this was what was originally proposed to them. The members of staff at New Heaven also liked the idea but, after discussing the initial ideas with Pe Boy (who is a Product Designer by trade), he had some reservations about the potential manufacturing processes required to such such an apparatus as we had proposed. A big limitation in our design, was the proposal to make the clam shaped ashtray with 'resin', this he said, produces a lot of toxic by-products harmful to the environment and that although the design is a good idea in its concept, the manufacturing processes itself should be carried out on the mainland in order to be able to process the toxic by-products and minimize the impact that they cause to the environment.
Even though we weren't able to implement the design project we desired, we weren't to be deterred. We re-grouped and proposed some new ideas, concentrating on using readily available materials, some of which could be found at New Heaven and others that maybe discarded refuse by nearby establishments.

Final Proposal:

Final Proposal
Final Proposal

Taking availability of materials, budget limitations and simple construction techniques into consideration, we developed our ideas based upon an existing 'Save Koh Tao' project currently in the pipeline; which is to build Bins which will become a permanent fixture along some of the beach front, the idea being that resort and other establishment owners will take charge of their maintenance.

We explored several possible avenues for our design but in the end we decided upon a relatively simple design that uses a metal lines to build a frame which will hold discarded beer bottles inside them. Hopefully, promoting Recycling and condemning Littering in the process! 

Working on the Bin:

Using old beer bottles to create the outline of the Bin.

Pe Boy leading the way!
Welding into the night.

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